#BlackList: The First 100 Days

#BlackList: The First 100 Days

(Original Post Date: January 2017)

As of this Friday #BroPo will no longer reside at 1600 so we might as well get out of our feelings and get to work. There is an opportunity for our advancement even in the mist of a prolonged WAR. This is a time for direct action. Let’s not talk about it but be about it. Here is a plan to guide our activities during this time:

0. Pray and meditate daily

1. Get a physical and basic lab work

- Conduct an internet search on you Primary Care Physician they may may wear a
white sheet when they take off their white coat or be on that Uncle Ruckus -ish

- Review the results with the doctor find out what if any diet, exercise and rest adjustments your can make to become more healthy

2. See a therapist
- Same applies here as above

3. Check in with the children make sure they are WELL
- as a parents and community evaluate if the children are getting what they need to develop be and stay healthy

4. Get passport for everyone in your house
- Keep enough money on hand to get to the Caribbean, Canada or Mexico. Yep, I rather be extra than exterminated.

5.  Make or update a Will and Living Will

6.  Buy or Adjust Life and Disability Insurance
- Check Policy Beneficiaries update as needed

7. Open a savings account at a Black Bank
- If you open an account with the Harbor Bank of Maryland tell them you are with
Intentional Community Building Collective and get access to a  few extra benefits

8. Make or Adjust Household Budget
- Go to a lean model – cut expenses, increase savings and investments
- Automate payments and savings/investment allotments

9.   Read Black Labor/ White Wealth (Anderson) and Black Rednecks and White Liberals(Sowell)

10. Open or Review Retirement Accounts *
- If you don’t have  one start with an IRA you can open many for as low as $25 dollars at credit unions
- Make reallocations as necessary

11. Prepare Income Taxes returns *
- There are free tax preparation services at some Federal office Buildings
- Don’t not use rapid refund services, E-filed returns come back pretty fast for
relatively low cost
- Use refunds to pay off debts or increase savings
- If you owe the IRS for previous years returns get on a payment plan
- If you have previous years returns unfiled seek advice on a way forward, the IRS can do major damage to your financial situation and can land you in jail

12. Prepare a family emergency plan
- Review it with all household members
- Post it in the hallway adjacent to the sleeping area
- Purchase emergency supplies enough to sustain household for a week with no water or power
- Divide the items up evenly based on the number of people in household and put
them in backpacks
- Create a separate backpack of these supplies to keep in car

13.  Email local, state and national representatives and tell them what you expect of them
- Address any current legislative issues
- Give Kudos on previous good work

14. Review Water Bill for the last 3 years
- If you notice any usage numbers or charges that are out of the ordinary file an appeal for the time period eligible

15.  Review property tax bill and assessment
-If you notice any calculations or charges that are out of the ordinary file an appeal

16. Order Annual Free Credit Report *
- File dispute for anything incorrect
- Make payment arrangements on collection accounts or judgments

17. Contact Phone, Internet, Entertainment providers and ask for a discount
- Review services and cut back as much as possible

18. Contact Credit Card providers and ask for lower rate

19. Contact Car Insurance provider and ask for a discount

20. Do an hour or more of exercise at least three times a week

21. Learn and practice self-defense techniques

22. Make or have made minor repairs to the home, car, bike, etc..

23. Purge (sell, donate, repurpose or trash) household items not being used

24. Update Resume and Bio

25. Abstain from eating bread, white potatoes and white sugar

26. Write a 10 year plan

27. Check and Clear up any outstanding Warrants or Tickets*
- Consult an attorney or look for amnesty programs within the local public defender’s office, Baltimore  for example has an amensty program running right now

28.  Attend Emotional Emancipation Circles
- Take your family, friends or whole community

If you have something that you think is important to include in this #BlackList please leave it in the comments.

Additionally, let's have a #BlackOut for these first 100 days where we don't even think or say the name of the President Elect. Instead we would:

· think about our own names, what our purpose is and how this First 100 Days is an opportunity for you to excel at it

· talk about how we can extend and augment the work of our elders

· speak the names and contributions of our ancestors

Word, Sound, Power- give him none! Keep all for #UsOrElse!

*I am not a financial planner, accountant or lawyer. Seek advise from professionals if you are unclear. There are free resources available.

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